Sunday, July 29, 2007

Such a classic

The Beckman Model JR-21 needs no introduction. Bit frightening sounding on the inside, sort of a demons from hell listen.


Another good shaker

Unfortunately I do not remember the exact make and model of this old standby. He would easily boogie a 1000ml Erlenmeyer flask all night. Have a listen

Friday, July 27, 2007

Best lab sounds

Attachment to inanimate objects is not uncommon, particularly if you work with 'it' every day. Computers commonly have names.

Its a bit less common for a vortex to find a special place in the hearts but to those who have grown to rely on him he is one of a kind.

Let me introduce Fred the Fisher Vortex Genie 2. Although only a shaker for single micro centrifuge tubes he really could boogie

mp3 of Fred in action

Friday, July 6, 2007

Whats the temperature?

oh and here is a link to the ever helpful Dolbear's Law formula on wikipedia. Makes me wonder why the snowy tree cricket (Oecanthus fultoni) is so very consistant for telling the temperature. Supposidly the average cricket is not consistant with variations in the amount they are chirping dependant on their age and mating success. Oecanthus sp. chrip a bit differently in the West as they sing a bit faster. Here is a nice Website with some sound samples and info
Its 98 degrees here. I think those snowy tree crickets would be a bit overworked.