Exponential Death was a short play created by Kevin Blechdom, Neill Prewitt and Irene Moon during a two week flurry in February 2010. The play was around an hour long and consisted of video segments, live action and music. Kevin and Irene edited some of the video down over thanksgiving holiday as music videos. Musical credits are on the videos themselves but much of the music was recorded before while Kevin and Irene lived in Tallahassee Florida.
Now That You're Gone by Irene Moon and Kevin Blechdom from kevin blechdom on Vimeo.
Alien on Piano from kevin blechdom on Vimeo.
The Waltz from kevin blechdom on Vimeo.
I Killed Them All from kevin blechdom on Vimeo.
Murder in the Living Room from kevin blechdom on Vimeo.